#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Hangman v1.0
# By Satya
# Plays a game of Hangman. Depends on a word list file containing
# one word per line, like the system dictionary.
# Edit $dict and $guesses to suit.
# Distributed freely by Satya (me). Inform me if you distribute it
# further. Distribute with these comments intact.
# If you make changes, do not distribute without asking me. In any case,
# give me credit. Keep these lines intact.
# Do not distribute commercially without asking me. Let me
# know if you use it, and whether you like it. Email-ware :-)
use strict;
my $dict='/usr/dict/words'; #edit suitably
my $guesses=6;
#end config
my ($word,$flags,$count,@alpha,$g,$i);
open(WORDS,"<$dict") || die "Cannot read from $dict: $!\n";
rand($.) < 1 && ($word = $_) while ;
while($count<$guesses) {
print "\nBad guesses: $count (upto $guesses allowed)\n";