OpenTTD saved games: 200810

Saved games for 200810 (~r14493 of OpenTTD).

The October 2008 game is another passenger temperate map. I've used these GRFs from #openttdcoop's GRF pack version 7.1. These are the same as last month's game.

openttd.cfg (#openttdcoop's version 7.1 graphics pack):

I started with a new scenario, a long island with 6 cities at each end and a 7th at each end where the long-distance terminal will be. Naturally, there was a coal network for money-making, which later became quite big with prospecting. The towns never grew much, but the north side ones showed signs of growth by 2030.

The first three screenshots are from 2037. The long-distance terminals are seeing quite a bit of traffic by now. I think the coal network makes quite a bit of money, making this more of a coal/pax hybrid game.

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3