OpenTTD saved games: 200906

Saved games for 200906 (~r16254 of OpenTTD).

The June 2009 game is a randomly generated 256x256 temperate map. I've used these GRFs from #openttdcoop's GRF pack version 7.3:

openttd.cfg (#openttdcoop's version 7.3 graphics pack):

For some strange reason, I've been wanting to play a road-vehicle-only game. I tried to do it with this map, ending up with a large number of road vehicles, a few aircraft (2 airports with tram feeders), and a small number of TL7 trains. The train network is extremely simplified due to the point-to-point, secondary nature of the service.

Between Game Year 2023 and 2033, I replaced all the goods trucks with goods trams. I had a short-distance steel train, which I also replaced with a steel truck line. Several passenger buses and mail trucks were replaced by trams, between Sludinghead and Brunpool Bridge (see "Expressway"). Using trams instead of simple trucks and buses means fewer vehicles on the road, due to the larger capacity of the trams. Light rail FTW!

The hardest part was getting industries to grow with just road service. I gave up and used mostly trains for farm service. It's still a point-to-point simple network.

As far as road stops, run-throughs in parallel seem to perform better than terminus types, and unless you're using full-load at the stop, parallel sets of 2 run-throughs in series seem to be better:

   /--> Stop Stop ---\
------> Stop Stop ----->
   \--> Stop Stop ---/

A couple of cities grew amazingly well with tram and airport service. I did run a few more train lines, and the truck-based steel line is overloaded. Next, I'll play the same map but with a more conventional train-only network.

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2