Florida trip 2007
Florida trip 2007
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Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
State Route 1A1 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
State Route 1A1 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Coral Castle, Florida
A tiny castle made of coral. The table is shaped like Florida and the hole in the middle corresponds to the big lake.
Coral Castle, Florida
A tiny castle made of coral. The table is shaped like Florida and the hole in the middle corresponds to the big lake.
Vehicle Assembly Building, Cape Canaveral
The Vehicle Assembly Building is where the components of the Saturn rockets and the space shuttle launcher are put together. That building is bigger than it looks.
Space Shuttle main engine, Cape Canaveral
One of the three engines on the back of the STS orbiter.
Model of launchpad and orbiter, Cape Canaveral
Vehicle Assembly Building, Cape Canaveral
The Vehicle Assembly Building is where the components of the Saturn rockets and the space shuttle launcher are put together. That building is bigger than it looks.
Control room, possibly fake, Cape Canaveral
I have no idea if this is a real control room.