Satya's blog - F14 Tomcat on the USS Yorktown

Apr 14 2006 18:39 F14 Tomcat on the USS Yorktown

I went to the US Naval museum at Patriot's Point, Mt. Pleasant again. Got a couple of gooood pictures of the F14 Tomcat they have there:
F14 Tomcat at USS Yorktown museum F14 and me

Then there was this picture of the flight deck, with the harbor in the background:
USS Yorktown flight deck
Actually, that picture was taken by my sister-in-law from the Island (of the Yorktown) and she had the camera at a 45 degree angle to get everything in the frame. I rotated it and clipped some of the unimportant bits (horizon, bits of deck) in the Gimp.

As usual, pictures link to the big versions.

Last updated: Apr 14 2006 18:46

Tag: aircraft picture