Satya's blog - 2005/09/
Nice of them to show a shuttle's nose actually glowing red when it made a steep
descent into atmosphere -- without having it be a plot point.
But who sends the CO *and* XO of a diplomatic space station
on a dangerous mission on the same shuttle?
I saw _The Untouchables_ recently,
starring Sean Connery and Kevin Costner. It was pretty good.
I got the DVD from either the library
or Netflix.
but now it's going to be on TV.
That is fine, I'd rather watch it on DVD with no ads interrupting.
But it always happens, right after I see a movie
on DVD, it's on TV.
Just saw the movie _Go_. It wa spretty okay. Started off badly
but it all hung together in the end.
A bit like _Snatch_ and _Lock, stock, and two smoking barrels_. No Jason
Statham, though.
Instead, Breckin Meyer, Taye Diggs, Katie Holmes, and others.
And a less convoluted story-line.
Fine Art Models
has the same number
NYC Hudson locomotive that I have
-- except their's is super-detailed and a lot better than mine
and costs $9500 to buy.
Update: They're both number 5405, if that wasn't clear. Last updated: Sep 08 2005 22:53
Classic Satya code:
my $ident = $username->{'identity'};
Saw Ocean's Twelve. The plot isn't quite as unified
as 11, and focuses more on Pitt/Clooney/Roberts/Damon.
Some very unexpected and one extremely funny plot twist.
Must be seen twice to understand completely.
Overall, as good as Ocean's 11 and 4 on 5.
(Linus was right, Tess does look a little like... well never mind.)
Time for another meme. Post your answers to your blog: