Satya's blog - 2009/05/
I wrote a little script to archive my pidgin logs in a sepaarte directory. 4 lines, but took 45 minutes to write. Use at own risk. This should be under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. But should this script do anything, or not do something, don't hold me responsible. In fact, don't use this at all. YEAR=2008 DEST=/home/whatever/chatlogs/$YEAR # Copy the directory structure. find . -type d -exec mkdir -p "$DEST/{}" \; # Copy the files starting with the year. find . -name $YEAR*.txt -exec mv "{}" $DEST/{} \; # For the rmdirs, we could use -exec command + instead of -exec command ; but we don't because # this script simply doesn't run very often. # Remove any extra directories we made, go depth-first find $DEST -depth -type d -exec rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty {} \; # Remove any empty directories in case we took away all the files, go depth-first find . -depth -type d -exec rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty {} \; It should not be run from the .purple/logs directory, or wherever. After that's done, you can not go tar cz (create, compress with gzip) the directory.
In Ruby on Rails, the auto_link helper takes a string and automatically links URLs and email addresses in the string, producing output suitable for a web page. Today we had a URL that ended in a query string, with a slash in the string, like so: .../end?tag=/mom auto_link wouldn't recognize the slash as part of the link and ended the link at the "tag=" part. After some googling, I located action_view/helpers/text_helper.rb and added the slash before the dash in the regexp for the query string. This is in a constant called AUTO_LINK_RE. Update: Swivel blog has a better way to fix this, with an initializer. Last updated: Jun 04 2009 15:58 |