Computer jokes
Signs that you spend too much time on the Net (dated: pre-1998)
- You dont understand words like 'you', all you write is 'u'
- You are reading this page.
- When u crack a joke in ordinary conversation, u can't resist drawing a smiley in the air.
- U empathise with this list.
- U contribute to this list.
- U write your own list.
- U have forgotten how to write an apostrophe: u write dont instead of don't, etc.
- U flunk miserably on English tests due to your horrible punctuation (see 7)
- U flunk miserably on English tests due to your horrible spelling (like using 4 for 'for', writing things like 'I like abbrevs', etc.)
- Your speech is littered with terms like 'irc', 'webpage', 'up/download', 'NO CARRIER' (aargh!), etc.
- You are talking to another netizen friend in college, and the person sitting next to u is going 'huh??' all the time.
- You know what a netizen is.
- You know the exact difference between pirch and mirc.
- You say 'NO CARRIER' when saying bye to your friends (in real life).
- You can construct webpages using only a simple ASCII text editor.
- You have a page at Geocities :-).
- You have several pages at Geocities...
- ...and Angelfire, Tripod, etc.
- You have more than three email addresses.
- You know at least 5 variations of smileys.
- Your .sigs are usually bigger than your message... you know that's nOT good netiquette, but all your email and homepage addresses don't fIT into a smaller .sig
- You know what a .sig is.
- You can patch a phone line by hand.
- At 11:00 pm, you say 'Just this one last link..' and next thing you know, its 5:00 am
- You convert all time references to GMT, even when not required.
- U can't imagine life without the Net.
- U talk to your modem ('Don't u dare hang up!')
- When U hear of a TV show involving 'carriers', u do all u can to watch it, and then get disappointed when they don't say a single word about modems.
- The words "NO CARRIER" give you a nervous breakdown.
- Your life is scheduled around optimum connect times.
- You wonder at the un-interactivity of television.
- You search for the keyboard and mouse attached to your phone/TV
- You understand jokes about the net.
- You make up jokes about the net.
- You know what RFC means, and have many of them memorized.
2004: Ugh, that sucks.
Signs that you are a computaholic (dated: pre-1998)
- You sit up coding till 3:00 am.
- The time in (1) looks like a hex address.
- You don't need to convert hex to decimal.
- You can't count in decimal
- You are reading this list.
- You contribute to this list.
- You ask your friends for their address and offset.
- You refer to $5000 as 5k.
- You write your own programme for cataloging your tape/CD/LD collection.
- You *never* make backups of anything but the CMOS and partition table.
- You know what a CMOS and partition table is.
- You can modify a FAT successfully.
- You have opened the casing and not regretted it.
- You give directions to the technician.
- You can solve bugs over the phone.
- You are going to download this and save it in a jokes directory.
- The directory of utilities that u wrote is bigger than the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
- You find 'track 0 bad' disks under the sofa.
- You dont throw away bad disks, in the hope that soon there will be a utility which can recover them.
- You attempt to write such a utility -- and succeed.
- You know at least 3 separate languages.
- You understood at once that 'languages' in #21 means *computer* languages.
- You talk to your computer ('Don't u dare hang!', 'please, please, PLEASE read that disk...')
- You meticulously wipe the dust and debris from your keyboard, but your bed is full of dust, disks, manuals, printouts...
- You always clean out temp directories, the recycle bin, etc. but your dustbin is overflowing.
- You're always tinkering with the configuration, but have never called tech support. You don't even know the number!
- Your monitor tries to bite you.
2004: Ugh, that sucks, too, but not as much as I thought it would.