Satya's Links - 2006/02/

Feb 26 2006 08:20 Mansion Impossible
Buy and sell houses, arcade flash game.

Tag: flash game

Feb 21 2006 08:44 mySiteMaker
A web-based database front-end.

Tag: database web

Feb 21 2006 08:31 Saccs Personal Accounting

Tag: accounts project

Feb 21 2006 08:19 Kingdom of Loathing

Tag: web game rpg

Feb 21 2006 08:19 PCJBot
A Jabber chat bot

Tag: chatbot jabber

Feb 21 2006 08:16 213 Things Skippy Can't Do
List of 213 funny things "Skippy" can't do in the US army.

Tag: humor list

Feb 21 2006 08:16 Safety Signage
Funny safety signs

Tag: humor

Feb 21 2006 08:16 Most Powerful Diesel Engine in the World
A marine diesel engine, this thing is huge. I've mirrored a version of the page on my site.

Tag: tech interesting

Feb 06 2006 08:31 CSS Layout Techniques

Tag: css web