OpenTTD saved games: 200904

Saved games for 200904 (~r15964 of OpenTTD).

The April 2009 game is a tropical map from a heightmap. I've used these GRFs from #openttdcoop's GRF pack version 7.3:

openttd.cfg (#openttdcoop's version 7.3 graphics pack):

This map looked like it would be conducive to a big loop running along the edge of the map, but it didn't work out that way. It eventually turned into a cargo/passenger hybrid. Then I forgot that in tropical maps, towns in the desert areas need food and water to grow, and this map is almost all desert -- the parts that aren't water. And we avoid ships in OpenTTD because of the CPU strain. Anyway, I ended up with food and water supply to 2 of the 3 passenger cities. The map could get much busier if I give it time to grow, but I'm not going to do that.

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2