So, more Star Wars/Harry Potter connections:
- Avada Kedavra versus Vader's Sith Neck Pinch
- Crucio versus Force lightning
- Imperius versus everyone and their droid's mind control
- Broomstick flying and snitch-catching versus bullseye-eyeing womp-rats in
Beggar's Canyon in a T-16 Skyhopper.
- Boy Who Lived versus Boy who will bring balance to the Force
- Dumbledore's "I have no wand" speech versus the Emperor's "I have no
weapon" speech
- Is Dumbledore going to pull a Qui-gon? (I was going to say Obi-wan, but
Qui-gon fits better)
- The villain used to be the greatest student ever:
Anakin/Riddle was taught by Obi-wan/Dumbledore and became the evil
Vader/Voldemort -- who was then redeemed (not yet, or ever, in the HPverse)
by someone similar to him, i.e. Luke/Harry.
- Ghosts and Force-ghosts.
- Flitwick versus Yoda
- McGonnagal versus Windu
- Natural flying skills
- Wand-brothers versus "Luke, I am your [spoiler]"
- Harry/Luke's father turns out to be evil
- Voldemort's side constantly called the "Dark Side", Voldemort is a "Dark
- Yoda's
"Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering."
and Riddle's
"Greatness inspires envy,
envy engenders spite,
spite spawns lies."
- Ron and Hermione bickering and Han and Leia bickering.
- House-elves and droids
Last updated: Oct 14 2005 20:33
Tag: geeky silly