Satya's blog - ldapsearch and a couple of other things
First, because I keep forgetting, here's ldapsearch:
Now, in a Ruby script, here's how to authenticate someone: require 'ldap' class LdapUser @@host= '[host]' @@port= xxx @@base= 'ou=People,dc=...,dc=.' def self.authenticated?(user, pass) return false if (user.blank? or pass.blank?) name=false begin conn =, @@port, false) if conn.bind("uid=#{user},#{@@base}",pass) i=0, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "(uid=#{user})", ['cn']) {|entry| i+=1 return false if i> 1 name=entry.vals('cn')[0] } end rescue return false end return name end end This uses.... libldap-ruby? I think. According to mcg, anyway.
Update: to search ldap without having to log in, use this:
Last updated: May 01 2008 13:01 |