Satya's blog - Effective issue tracker usage
Suppose you use an issue tracker like JIRA or Pivotal Tracker (PT). Here's how I use it effectively. Stories, short for "user stories", issues, and tickets are used interchangeably here. There are subtle differences (or not so subtle ones) that don't matter for this discussion. In JIRA you have multiple projects. Each project has a list of tickets. This should be called the "Backlog". Additionally, you can create a "Sprint". In PT, in the default view, there are three columns: the "current sprint", the "backlog", and an "icebox". I'd advise finding the setting to enable stacking of current on top of backlog, because that gives a "truer" view. The (current) sprint contains stories that are being worked on in this sprint. These stories will be in various states, such as Done, In Review, In Progress, To Do. Those are the 4 major states for stories. PT enforces the states while JIRA is more configurable. PT places stories in the sprint automatically based on project velocity (which is based on story points). In JIRA, the current sprint is manually determined during your sprint planning meeting (aka iteration planning (IPM)). Every story in the current sprint must have a story owner and (if your team uses estimates) an estimate. Some shops do not assign a story owner until someone starts the story, and then that person is the owner. This works well in smaller teams consisting of mostly senior devs. PT enables this by auto-assigning owners. Additionally, stories may belong to epics. That's a good way in JIRA to group stories. PT also has epics but I prefer to use Labels in PT. JIRA has labels but they're less visible to me. I'd advise using Components in JIRA for the same purpose. The Backlog contains stories for upcoming sprints. They may be un-assigned, un-estimated, not even fully fleshed-out. All of those things can happen during the sprint planning meeting. PT has an additional space, the Icebox. This is sort-of the ideas bin: stories that haven't been thought through, or that are a reminder to actually add a "real" story, or stuff that's deferred until some later date. If team members run out of stories for the current sprint, they may be able to pick up stories from the backlog. After checking with the project manager, perhaps. Beware that stories in the backlog may not be quite ready to be worked on. PT forces all the stories to be in force-ranked order, which means someone (project manager, in consultation with senior developers) needs to order the stories. JIRA can also be configured to do force-ranking. Stories should usually be placed in order of business priority and according to depenecies. Feature Y has priority but also depends on Feature X? Place X first (higher) in the sprint. (Why the PM? That's who's running the project. Why the senior devs? Because that's who can point out hidden dependencies. In a small enough team, it'd be all the devs... which means you're having a sprint planning meeting. Or a backlog-grooming meeting, which is a pre-planning meeting. Because of time constraints. These meetings need to be extremely focussed, and I will write a separate article about them.) |